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​   Disease:                

Useful for adult chickenpox

Chickenpox is really scary - especially adult chickenpox, which is what I had! It takes longer to heal, is more likely to come with complications, and is more severe than either childhood or adolescent chickenpox.

As soon as I noticed something was up with my skin, I immediately went to the doctor, but at the time, the doctor was not sure if it was chickenpox. I was hoping that it wasn't, but when it turned out to be exactly that, I was devastated because I had to cancel an upcoming trip to Hong Kong.

I took a lot of REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD and REOXlife POTENT every day when I had chickenpox. They kept me from becoming overly yired and fatigued. I also used 2° Redoxy Essence and 2° REOX Series H+ to fight inflammation and help my skin repair. I made my own DIY mask with 2° Redoxy Essence and 2° REOX Series H+ to use every day, and I'm not kidding - my face was more or less back to normal within a week 😊.

I am happy because I had these four products to help me recover quickly from chickenpox. They turned out to be absolutely perfect for my body.


2° Redoxy Essence

2° REOX Series H+

REOXlife Potent

REOXlife Mediterranean Gold


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