Set my forehead right
Yesterday, I woke up early in the morning, looked in the mirror, and was scared to death! My forehead was red and sensitive! I washed my face, sprayed 2° REOX Series H+ on it, and added some 2° Redoxy Essence! Then I went to the kitchen and took two packets of REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD PLUS and three packets of REOXlife POTENT! After that, I took a cotton pad, sprayed it with 2° REOX Series H+, and put it on my forehead. I didn’t know if it would work, but I had faith that the products would do their jobs!
I took off the cotton pad half an hour later and my forehead was fine! The sensitivity and redness were gone! I was so happy! It was that easy! I am so thankful that the company has such fantastic products!
2° REOX Series H+
2° Redoxy Essence
REOXlife Potent
REOXlife Mediterranean Gold Plus