Return Legacy products changed my life

I'd used many different skincare products for my acne over the years, but none worked as well as Return Legacy’s! I bought 2° REOX Series H+, 2° Activator Hydro, and 2° Redoxy Essence in 2015 and began to use them all the time. The more I used them, the less acne would remain. My acne scars disappeared quickly as well. That’s how I fell in love with the Return Legacy skincare line.
Not only that - in 2017, I was pregnant with my second child, but I had gestational diabetes at a level of 10 mmol/L as well as severe constipation. So, I started taking REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD until I gave birth. It helped with both condition.
After giving birth, I continued to take REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD. I also added REOXlife PRO W+ to enable me to properly breastfeed my baby.
2° REOX Series H+
2° Activator Hydro
2° Redoxy Essence
REOXlife Mediterranean Gold