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​   Disease:                

On the path to having a good-looking face again.

It's incredible to be able to see my beautiful smiling face again! It isn’t quite back to normal yet, but it will be someday.

The truth is that I’ve suffered from Bell’s palsy since the beginning of my pregnancy in 2012. Since I was pregnant, I could not receive medication and was always very self-conscious about how my face appeared as a result. Pharmaceutical products, traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, cupping - I tried them all, but to no avail...... even the doctor said there was no way to fully recover. I also spent a lot of money and had just about given up on the prospect of every finding a solution to my problem…

Last October, I went to the doctor because I had been bleeding a lot and had to change a nighttime tampon every two hours on average. The doctor said it was a hormonal imbalance, so I was prescribed birth control pills, but the more I took them, the more weight I gained! Later, my sister Cindy Chong introduced me to Return Legacy's REOXlife PRO W+, REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD and 2° Redoxy Essence. Now, I take four packets of REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD every day, take REOXlife PRO W+ during my period, and use up a bottle of 2° Redoxy Essence around once every two weeks. I have experienced excellent results, so now I trust these products. I will continue to use them because I want my beautiful dimples back!


2° Redoxy Essence

REOXlife Mediterranean Gold



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