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​   Disease:                

Made my liver much healthier

On July 13, 2016, I went for a physical examination and found that my liver was in poor health. My SGOT/AST level was 46 (normal: 0-34) and my SGOT/ALT level was 77 (normal: 0-55). The doctor was worried that I had fatty liver disease, so he suggested that I have an ultrasound scan. The scan showed no abnormalities in my liver, but I still needed to take good care of my liver to prevent fatty liver disease and cirrhosis. After that, I found out that REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD will protect my liver, so I started taking two packs of REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD from then until today.

On May 8, 2018, I went back for a medical checkup and found that my liver is healthy again, with an SGOT/AST level 18 and an SGOT/ALT level of 12 - all thanks to REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD. I will continue to take it!


REOXlife Mediterranean Gold


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