Made my face look better than ever before
Before I knew of Return Legacy, I was a person who was extremely self-conscious regarding my face. My uneven cheeks made me afraid to look straight at people when I talked to them out of fear that they would see my face full of bumpy holes.
When I was in college, I had acne all over my face because of late nights and environmental factors. My brother who came home from abroad also said to me in shock, "How did your face become like this?" I began to see countless skin specialists, but the improvement of my condition was limited. my face only had some improvement. I spent a lot of money, but the uneven acne pits could not be fixed.
I also used many different skin care products to no avail. At that time, I really had low self-esteem and felt that I would never be beautiful again.
By chance, I met a friend's sister who introduced me to the Return Legacy skincare line after understanding my condition. Half-heartedly, I tried H2° Activator Fresh, 2° REOX Series H+, and 2° Redoxy Essence even though I no longer had confidence in all skincare products. But in just over three weeks, I saw the results. The pits faded, the marks were no longer red, and my skin texture became much better. I am really happy and thankful that these products have restored my confidence. I will continue to use Return Legacy products and share them with others.
2° Activator Fresh
2° REOX Series H+
2° Redoxy Essence