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Lowered my mom's blood sugar level

Last September, my doctor said that my mom's blood sugar level was very high and that she should come for monthly follow-ups in the future. It was a little inconvenient for me to bring her to the follow-up every month due to the location of my workplace, especially since my mom can't drive. Then, in December, a solution arrived! I read about the effects of REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD and found that it could moderate one's blood sugar level. I thought that I might buy some to help my mom. Some time later, the doctor wondered if my mom had taken medicine before the blood glucose test, but I assured him that I had brought her to the follow-up appointment and she hadn't consumed anything before it.

Then the doctor said, "Very well, come back for a follow-up in March."

My mother and I were both surprised: "March? March? For real?"

Yes, it really was March! It meant that her blood glucose level was fine and she wouldn't have to come back every month! Just once every three months! Wouldn't it be nice to at least not have to worry about her well-being at her follow-up appointments so frequently?

How I wish the doctor would say to her at her next follow-up appointment, "Just once every six months." Someday, thanks to REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD, that day will come. I just want her to be healthy, take less medication, and keep her blood sugar level normal - that's all ......👍👍👍


REOXlife Mediterranean Gold


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