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Healing for my lips

Back in 2010, my lips suddenly became sensitive. They peeled, cracked, itched, and were dry, red, and itchy all the time. No lip balms I used seemed to be a solution.I also saw several skin specialists in Kota Kinabalu and also took anti-inflammatory drugs and steroid creams. However, the problem never seemed to leave me. At this point, I couldn't live without lip balm because I needed it all the time to prevent my lips from getting worse.

It wasn't until 2015 when I saw AY discussing 2° Redoxy Essence on FB and I remembered her mentioning that the product is so safe that even babies can use it. At that time, my face was also sensitive and I hadn't taken care of it for years, so I bought 2° Redoxy Essence for that as well. AY also recommended that I try 2° REOX Series H+ because it enhances the effectiveness of the lip balm. After just one week, my condition improved!

After I had my baby, I also started taking two packets of REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD a day. Six months later, its effect on my lips also became obvious.

When REOXlife POTENT was launched in November 2016, I took two packets of it every day as well. It was only when I read a testimony about lip sensitivity at the end of 2017 that I realized that my lip allergy had healed just like that. I had not felt my lips tingling, itching, redness and swelling for a long time. I also had neither applied lip balm for a while nor had any people asking me about my lips.

Now, I can finally say goodbye to my bad lips! This photo was taken from before I began using Return Legacy products - the difference is obvious.


2° REOX Series H+

2° Redoxy Essence

REOXlife Potent

REOXlife Mediterranean Gold


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