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Bumps and bruises, allergic after applying medicine

My little girl has a very active and playful personality, and on the night of 18/5/18, while she was playing by herself, she bumped her face and swelled a bruise and scratched her face. My mother was terrified at the time and wanted to help her apply her bruise cream to remove the bruise, but Niu Niu refused, so my mother waited for me to come back from work to let me handle it.

When I got home, I saw that Nui Nui had a bruise and a scratch on her face, so I applied bruise cream to Nui Nui's face. The next morning, on 19/5/18, I noticed some small red grains on my face, but I didn't bother with them. However, when Niu Niu woke up in the afternoon, my mother noticed that her face was red and swollen, even more so than yesterday, and that there were many grains on her face, which scared her.

When I came home from work in the evening, I saw the redness and sensitivity on Niu Niu's face, and I was so distressed and worried that I immediately took H+ and sprayed it on her face every half hour. I also got up twice in the middle of the night to help her spray her face. The next morning, on the 20th, Nui Nui's face was finally less red, and the sensitivity of the grains was also less, so I continued to spray H+ and Hydro to help reduce inflammation and repair her skin.

On the morning of the 21st, Nui Nui's face was much better and the swelling had gone down, and the black and blue spots had cleared up. 22nd was the day when the scrapes and a few red marks were left on her face, so she switched to H+ and Redoxy to repair the scars.

On the 24th, the scars and redness and sensitivity on Niu Niu's face were all healed, so I was so happy. I don't know what I would have done without RL's products H+, Hydro and Redoxy.


2° Activator Hydro

2° Redoxy Essence

2° REOX Series H+


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