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​   Disease:                

An ideal treatment for contact dermatitis

After I woke up, my skin felt tight, so I took a shower and got ready to go to work without thinking too hard. When I looked in the mirror, I saw that there was a mark on my face. It turned out that I was suffering from pollen-induced contact dermatitis! I remembered having experienced this once when I was a child, so I realized what was going on. I remember seeing a doctor at that time and applying medicine, but it still left a scar on my stomach. But this time it was on my face and was a lot bigger, so it was really scary!

This time I chose to use nothing but Return Legacy products. When there was pus in the wound, I sprayed it with 2° REOX Series H+ until it dried up. I used almost half a can of 2° REOX Series H+. After the wound was dry, I started applying 2° Redoxy Essence twice a day. The wound was completely healed in less than a week and didn't leave any scars at all.


2° REOX Series H+

2° Redoxy Essence


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