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​   Disease:                

Accelerated recovery from chickenpox

My daughter had chicken pox, making her mouth hurt so much that she could neither eat nor open her mouth. I was so distressed to see her like this, so I took her to the doctor quickly. The doctor prescribed fever medicine and sent us home.

When we got home, I sprayed her with 2° REOX Series H+ and gave her some REOXlife Mediterranean Gold in the morning and evening. By the next day, she was better and could open her mouth to eat.

When the chickenpox started to dry out and peel off, I applied 2° Activator Hydro and 2° Redoxy Essence to her body and found that not only did they stop her from itching; they also helped her chickenpox scars fade!


2° Activator Hydro

2° Redoxy Essence

2° REOX Series H+

REOXlife Mediterranean Gold


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