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I30B spared me from the worst of Covid-19

I was scheduled for my first vaccination dose in mid-July. I didn't have any side effects - probably because I had been taking I30B supplements every day without fail since the package was introduced.

A week later, it was my husband's turn to have his first vaccination dose. However (and probably because he had never taken supplements before), he developed a fever a day after the injection. Six days later, his fever had not yet subsided, so he went to a private hospital for a swab test and subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. At that time, we felt the weight of the world on our shoulders - how we did not want to accept this blow! We thought it was just a physical reaction to the vaccine, and never really considered that one of us might become infected. How he got infected was really puzzling to us.

In order to reduce the risk of infecting others around him, my husband moved out for 10 days of self-isolation on the day he was diagnosed. At this time, my son, who had just turned 3, had already been suffering from a fever for four days. At that time, I was so nervous, torn, and panic-stricken inside, hoping very much that my son was not infected with Covid-19. The problem was, he had many symptoms of Covid-19 including fever, cough, and diarrhea.

During those days, in addition to giving my son his daily serving of REOXlife junior MEDITERRANEAN KIDS, I also followed Michelle's advice and added REOXlife POTENT to my son's milk while also spraying 2° REOX Series H+ all over his body often in order to cool it down as soon as possible. I was so thankful when I realized it worked! Five nights after the fever developed, my son's immune system overcame the virus; his fever abated and his diarrhea disappeared - just a slight cough remained.

But one thing led to another! During those two weeks when I was busy taking care of both of them, I focused all my attention on rewashing, cleaning, and disinfecting the whole house; I neglected my own condition while doing so. Eventually, 10 days after my husband was first diagnosed, I suddenly realized I was running a high fever when I felt really unwell and struggled to even walk. When I took my own temperature, I thought my eyes were tired and I was mistaken, but the temperature rose from 38.9°C to 40°C in just one minute. Panic! So much fear inside! How could that happen?

Looking back after recovery, it was actually because I did not let myself rest resulting in a significant reduction in physical resistance; in other words, I gave myself the opportunity for the virus to take over.

At this time, only my son and I were left at home, and I told myself that I must be awake for the sake of my son and not pass out. In a panic, I immediately scurried to the kitchen to brew up some I30B supplements and shovel the mixture down. Within 40 minutes, my body temperature was brought down to normal levels and my heartbeat even stabilized. I wondered if the reason my body’s temperature normalized so quickly was because my body had a certain base level of immunity due to priming through regular I30B consumption. I was so thankful! For the next two to three days, my body was still fighting the virus. I would have recurring but manageable fevers; I would also continue to spray my body with 2° REOX Series H+ again and again. Through it all, I suffered from fever, cough, diarrhea, shortness of breath, and insomnia.

I had a severe lung infection in 2019, so you can imagine how torturous it felt to me after I tested positive for Covid-19. Every second of every day, I faced severe shortness of breath and insufficient blood oxygen. Thus, I had to remember never to take a big breath or have a massive coughing fit. But thanks to I30B, the condition of my respiratory tract improved significantly through regular consumption. After the lung infection in question, it took almost a year for my body to fully recover. During that period, I would have a coughing fit whenever I took even a sip of iced water and I could not eat ice cream or other cold foods. This situation continued until the first month of this year when I began to take I30B. In addition to taking I30B, I also worked with an old Chinese doctor who taught me breathing techniques to control my breathing. This relieved me of my worries that I might suddenly die in my sleep.

After he was diagnosed with Covid-19, my husband had a fever, chills, diarrhea, cough, and shortness of breath for more than three weeks (which meant that his immune system was fighting the virus) because he had not been "primed". During this period, I told him to take I30B every day in order to strengthen his immune system, allowing his body to build up an army of antibodies in a short period of time to combat the army of viruses in his body. I also encouraged him to do traditional Chinese breathing exercises and consume an appropriate diet. These helped him gradually recover.

During the period when we were infected, the Malaysian Ministry of Health (KKM) was facing a serious shortage of medical staff members, causing the gradual collapse of the medical system. Back then, there were more than 20,000 cases per day nationwide and more than 3,000 cases per day in our home state.

Since my husband went to a private hospital to have a swab test on his own, he had to wait for four days to pass before receiving a phone call from KKM. By then, he had already made plans for his own quarantine and said that he would give my son and me letters to go to the nearest centre to have swab tests. After my husband was done with his quarantine, he went to a private clinic for a swab test and tested negative. I later received a call from a doctor at KKM. At that time, it seemed as though the doctor wanted my son and me to go back to home isolation for another 10 days, but fortunately I was prepared for any situation and went back to the private clinic for another test. I also tested negative, so I didn't panic and could avoid home isolation.

All things considered, I30B, 2° REOX Series H+, and REOXlife junior MEDITERRANEAN KIDS saved us during this crisis. Through this sharing, I also hope to bring out some information.

1) I30B and 2° REOX Series H+ are products that every family should have. Those with children will also find that REOXlife junior MEDITERRANEAN KIDS is indispensable.

2) Relying on KKM is better than relying on your own knowledge as far as a Covid-19 diagnosis is concerned.

3) If you have a higher base immunity level, you won't be as worried if you contract Covid-19. The recovery time of such people is shorter than that of other people.

4) Have confidence in Return Legacy’s products; be calm and clear-headed as you use them to give your health a boost if you have tested positive for Covid-19.

5) According to KKM, if a patient is tested within two to three months after recovery, the swab test result is still positive because the CT value of the virus is still detectable. However, Return Legacy’s products are so powerful that the CT value of the virus in our body is reduced to an undetectable level, which means that the strength of the virus has been greatly reduced. Thus, when the test is repeated, a negative result will be the outcome.

Lastly, I would like to thank Michelle and Kelly for their invaluable guidance, support, and encouragement which did a lot to get us through this difficult time. Thank you all!


REOXlife iMgard

REOXlife Potent

REOXlife Junior Mediterranean Kids

REOXlife Mediterranean Gold Plus

2° REOX Series H+


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