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Return Legacy's special "3-in-1"

My mom has hereditary type 2 diabetes. Her blood sugar was once as high as 17 millimoles per litre (mmol/l); she also had an ulcer on her foot plate. At one point, she even had to be sent to hospital for observation. Therefore, she has been taking REOXlife POTENT and REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD PLUS for four years now. Her blood sugar is well-controlled; even her doctor has praised her for her impressive blood sugar numbers.

Then, Return Legacy launched a new product called REOXlife iMgard, which I also bought it for her to take with the other products. My mommy actually calls them “3-in-1” 😜

Last week, she went to a seminar with a friend. I was told it was very crowded with many people there. Two days later, my mommy's friend called and said she had a high fever and was not feeling well. Her daughter took her to the doctor; it was later confirmed that she had Covid-19 😱😱😱😱

My mommy also heard that there were many people who contracted the virus at the seminar and felt very nervous and scared at that moment, because she herself belongs to the high-risk group. However, more than 10 days have passed and she is doing fine without any serious symptoms - thanks to Return Legacy’s “3-in-1”.

Mommy is very excited, and so am I because she really scared the hell out of me. I'm really lucky that mommy has been taking her “3-in-1” all the time 🙏


REOXlife iMgard

REOXlife Potent

REOXlife Mediterranean Gold Plus


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