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Return Legacy products - a proven accelerator of Covid-19 recovery

I am an expatriate in Singapore who chose to go back to my home country for quarantine. To my surprise, I received a notice from my company three days after returning that one of my colleagues was infected with Covid-19! I was called for a test, and despite not having symptoms, it was found that I too had Covid-19! Thus, I was admitted to the hospital and kept in isolation.

When I was isolated in the hospital, I was not provided with any medication for treatment. The doctor only provided me with diabetes and hypertension medication because I suffer from those conditions.

Fortunately, I had been taking REOXlife POTENT and REOXlife Mediterranean GOLD PLUS!

It was not until the third test report came back that I finally tested negative, which made me super happy. The fourth test may have displayed the presence of residual pathogens in my body. When combined with the lack of protein in my body, the test turned up a positive result. Following this, I took NUREOX Protein ProMix to replenish my body's protein; this may have caused the last two tests to be negative.

I am grateful to Return Legacy for having such great products (POTENT, MEDITERRANEAN GOLD PLUS and PROTEIN PROMIX) that allowed me to recover quickly after my diagnosis and without the help of any medication. Thank you Return Legacy!



REOXlife Potent

REOXlife Mediterranean Gold Plus


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